Tis the season for...sugar! It seems like everywhere I go there are sweets! And, that is my first inclination in terms of what to cook and eat, too. I'm thinking about whether to make cookies or fudge or muffins. The food blogs and Facebook posts right now are filled with cookie and treat recipes. My mom is making her standard set of holiday cookies to send to family and friends. And, since many religions and groups have some sort of holiday this time of year, it is pervasive.

At the same time, I am trying to eat healthier. This is not just a pre-New Year's resolution. This is not a "low-carb diet" idea. It is, however, an ongoing life decision
and something that it hard to do, perhaps especially at this time of year.
I have made a commitment to myself to eat more fruits and veggies (especially veggies) each day. Going gluten-free has often meant finding delicious and/or edible alternatives to all of these treats, sweets and grain-based staples of our American diet. And certainly, as I have been blogging, I have found it important to try out new recipes and gluten-free ideas. The emotional part that doesn't want to be "missing out" on normal holiday treats, will be trying some of these amazing recipes for treats. But, I'm wanting to see if I can also make an effort to eat less grains, in general, and more lean proteins and veggies.
They are not mutually exclusive, of course, and as with many things this time of year, it may just be a matter of moderation in all things. :)